
About the awards

The Top Women in Security ASEAN Region Awards was originally initiated as part of a global campaign by the Women in Security and Resilience Alliance (WISECRA). This initiative has continued and remains open to all ASEAN member countries, bringing together key chapters of premier, global security industry associations and professional women in security groups in Singapore. Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia and including the ASEAN Region Women in Security Network.


Adeline Chan

Executive Director - Technology Risk Management | DBS Bank | Singapore

Laura Lees

Head of Cyber Risk | USPB | Singapore


Principal Assistant Director (Strategic Planning), Royal Malaysia Police | Malaysia

Diandra Kartika Dewaningsih

Country Security Officer | Siemens | Indonesia


Executive Director, ASEANAPOL Secretariat | Malaysia


Jenny Tan

President ISACA Singapore Chapter and SheLeadsTech Champion | Singapore

Dr Magda Chelly

Founder of ResponsibleCyber and Women on Cyber | Singapore

Dr Carrine Teoh Chooi Shi CISSP CBCP

Founder of Malaysia Women in Security | Malaysia

Mel Migrino

Chair and President, Women in Security Alliance | Philippines

Alexandra Mercz

Founder of Synterra Asia | Singapore

AWARD Categories

ASEAN Country Award
– Singapore

Recognises Singapore specific security industry contributions, leadership, influence or mentoring. May not be limited to a single winner.

ASEAN Country Award
– Malaysia

Recognises Malaysia specific security industry contributions, leadership, influence or mentoring. May not be limited to a single winner.

ASEAN Country Award
– Indonesia

Recognises Indonesia specific security industry contributions, leadership, influence or mentoring. May not be limited to a single winner.

ASEAN Country Award
– Thailand

Recognises Thailand specific security industry contributions, leadership, influence or mentoring. May not be limited to a single winner.

ASEAN Country Award
– Vietnam

Recognises Vietnam specific security industry contributions, leadership, influence or mentoring. May not be limited to a single winner.

ASEAN Country Award
– Philippines

Recognises Philippines specific security industry contributions, leadership, influence or mentoring. May not be limited to a single winner.

ASEAN Country Award
– Cambodia, Brunei, Myanmar, Laos

Recognises Cambodia, Brunei, Myanmar and Laos specific security industry contributions, leadership, influence or mentoring. May not be limited to a single winner.


Recognises leadership, innovation or mentoring within the information and computer security (cybersecurity) domain.

ASEAN Regional Award

Recognises the Top Woman in Security for the Southeast Asia Region.

Electronic Security

Recognises leadership, innovation or mentoring within the electronics and technical security domain, such as video surveillance, detection and access control systems.

Security Trainer
or Educator

Recognises leadership, innovation or mentoring within the training or education domain relating to the security discipline.

Risk & Resilience Professional

Recognises leadership, innovation or mentoring within the risk management and resilience discipline.

Security Researcher

Recognises leadership, innovation or mentoring within the security research domain.

SECURITY Professional Ambassador (Open CATEGORY)

An open category to recognise a security professional who demonstrates advocacy and mentoring for generating positive and beneficial perceptions within the security discipline.


An open category for professionals demonstrating industry leadership across the ASEAN Region in the fields of cybersecurity, risk and resilience.

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